WebBrowser |
Description |
Property AddressBar As Boolean |
Controls whether address bar is shown |
Property Application As Object |
Returns the application automation object if accessible,
this automation object otherwise.. |
Property Busy As Boolean |
Query to see if something is still in progress.
Property Container As Object |
Returns the container/parent automation object, if any.
Property Document As Object |
Returns the active Document automation object, if any.
Property FullName As String |
Returns file specification of the application, including
path. |
Property FullScreen As Boolean |
Maximizes window and turns off statusbar, toolbar,
menubar, and titlebar. |
Property Height As Long |
The vertical dimension (pixels) of the frame
window/object. |
Property HWND As Long |
Returns the HWND of the current IE window. |
Property Left As Long |
The horizontal position (pixels) of the frame window
relative to the screen/container. |
Property LocationName As String |
Gets the short (UI-friendly) name of the URL/file
currently viewed. |
Property LocationURL As String |
Gets the full URL/path currently viewed. |
Property MenuBar As Boolean |
Controls whether menubar is shown. |
Property Name As String |
Returns name of the application. |
Property Offline As Boolean |
Controls if the frame is offline (read from cache)
Property Parent As Object |
Returns the automation object of the container/parent if
one exists or this automation object. |
Property Path As String |
Returns the path to the application. |
Property ReadyState As tagREADYSTATE |
Property RegisterAsBrowser As Boolean |
Registers OC as a top-level browser (for target name
resolution) |
Property RegisterAsDropTarget As Boolean |
Registers OC as a drop target for navigation |
Property Resizable As Boolean |
Controls whether the window is resizable |
Property Silent As Boolean |
Controls if any dialog boxes can be shown |
Property StatusBar As Boolean |
Turn on or off the statusbar. |
Property StatusText As String |
Text of Status window. |
Property TheaterMode As Boolean |
Controls if the browser is in theater mode |
Property ToolBar As Long |
Controls which toolbar is shown. |
Property Top As Long |
The vertical position (pixels) of the frame window
relative to the screen/container. |
Property TopLevelContainer As Boolean |
Returns True if this is the top level object. |
Property Type As String |
Returns the type of the contained document object.
Property Visible As Boolean |
Determines whether the application is visible or hidden.
Property Width As Long |
The horizontal dimension (pixels) of the frame
window/object. |
Sub ClientToWindow(pcx As Long, pcy As Long)
Converts client sizes into window sizes. |
Sub ExecWB(ByVal cmdID As OLECMDID, ByVal
cmdexecopt As OLECMDEXECOPT,
[pvaIn], [pvaOut]) |
IOleCommandTarget::Exec |
Sub GoBack |
Navigates to the previous item in the history list.
Sub GoForward |
Navigates to the next item in the history list.
Sub GoHome |
Go home/start page. |
Sub GoSearch |
Go Search Page. |
Sub Navigate(ByVal URL As String, [Flags], [TargetFrameName],
[PostData], [Headers]) |
Navigates to a URL or file. |
Sub Navigate2(URL, [Flags], [TargetFrameName],
[PostData], [Headers]) |
Navigates to a URL or file or pidl. |
Sub PutProperty(ByVal Property As String, ByVal vtValue) |
Associates vtValue with the name szProperty in the
context of the object. |
Sub Quit |
Exits application and closes the open document.
Sub Refresh |
Refresh the currently viewed page. |
Sub Refresh2([Level]) |
Refresh the currently viewed page. |
Sub ShowBrowserBar(pvaClsid, [pvarShow], [pvarSize])
Set BrowserBar to Clsid |
Sub Stop |
Stops opening a file. |
Function GetProperty(ByVal Property As String)
Retrieve the Associated value for the property vtValue
in the context of the object. |
Function QueryStatusWB(ByVal
IOleCommandTarget::QueryStatus |
Sub BeforeNavigate2(ByVal pDisp
As Object, URL, Flags,
TargetFrameName, PostData, Headers, Cancel As Boolean) |
Fired before navigate occurs in the given WebBrowser
(window or frameset element). The processing of this navigation may be
modified. |
Sub ClientToHostWindow(CX As Long, CY As Long) |
Fired to request client sizes be converted to host
window sizes |
Sub CommandStateChange(ByVal
Command As Long, ByVal Enable As Boolean) |
The enabled state of a command changed. |
Sub DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp
As Object, URL) |
Fired when the document being navigated to reaches
ReadyState_Complete. |
Sub DownloadBegin |
Download of a page started. |
Sub DownloadComplete |
Download of page complete. |
Sub FileDownload(Cancel As Boolean) |
Fired to indicate the File Download dialog is opening
Sub NavigateComplete2(ByVal pDisp
As Object, URL) |
Fired when the document being navigated to becomes
visible and enters the navigation stack. |
Sub NewWindow2(ppDisp As Object, Cancel As Boolean) |
A new, hidden, non-navigated WebBrowser window is
needed. |
Sub OnFullScreen(ByVal FullScreen
As Boolean) |
Fired when fullscreen mode should be on/off |
Sub OnMenuBar(ByVal MenuBar As Boolean) |
Fired when the menubar should be shown/hidden |
Sub OnQuit |
Fired when application is quiting. |
Sub OnStatusBar(ByVal StatusBar
As Boolean) |
Fired when the statusbar should be shown/hidden
Sub OnTheaterMode(ByVal
TheaterMode As Boolean) |
Fired when theater mode should be on/off |
Sub OnToolBar(ByVal ToolBar As Boolean) |
Fired when the toolbar should be shown/hidden |
Sub OnVisible(ByVal Visible As Boolean) |
Fired when the window should be shown/hidden |
Sub ProgressChange(ByVal Progress
As Long, ByVal
ProgressMax As Long) |
Fired when download progress is updated. |
Sub PropertyChange(ByVal szProperty As String)
Fired when the PutProperty method has been called.
Sub SetSecureLockIcon(ByVal
SecureLockIcon As Long) |
Fired to indicate the security level of the current web
page contents |
Sub StatusTextChange(ByVal Text
As String) |
Statusbar text changed. |
Sub TitleChange(ByVal Text As String) |
Document title changed. |
Sub WindowClosing(ByVal
IsChildWindow As Boolean, Cancel
As Boolean) |
Fired when the WebBrowser is about to be closed by
script |
Sub WindowSetHeight(ByVal Height
As Long) |
Fired when the host window should change its height
Sub WindowSetLeft(ByVal Left As Long) |
Fired when the host window should change its Left
coordinate |
Sub WindowSetResizable(ByVal
Resizable As Boolean) |
Fired when the host window should allow/disallow
resizing |
Sub WindowSetTop(ByVal Top As Long) |
Fired when the host window should change its Top
coordinate |
Sub WindowSetWidth(ByVal Width As Long) |
Fired when the host window should change its width