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scrrun.dll      Teil 1

Dictionary  Drive  Drives  DriveTypeConst  Encoder  File  FileAttribute  Files  FileSystemObject  Folder  Folders  IFileSystem 
Dictionary Description
Property CompareMode As CompareMethod Set or get the string comparison method.
Property Count As Long Get the number of items in the dictionary.
Property HashVal(Key) (undocumented)
Property Item(Key) Set or get the item for a given key
Property Key(Key) Change a key to a different key.
Sub Add(Key, Item) Add a new key and item to the dictionary.
Sub Remove(Key) Remove a given key from the dictionary.
Sub RemoveAll Remove all information from the dictionary.
Function Exists(Key) As Boolean Determine if a given key is in the dictionary.
Function Items Get an array containing all items in the dictionary.
Function Keys Get an array containing all keys in the dictionary.


Drive Description
Property AvailableSpace Get available space
Property DriveLetter As String Drive letter
Property DriveType As __MIDL___MIDL_itf_scrrun_0094_0001 Drive type
Property FileSystem As String Filesystem type
Property FreeSpace Get drive free space
Property IsReady As Boolean Check if disk is available
Property Path As String Path
Property RootFolder As IFolder Root folder
Property SerialNumber As Long Serial number
Property ShareName As String Share name
Property TotalSize Get total drive size
Property VolumeName As String Name of volume


Drives Description
Property Count As Long Number of drives
Property Item(ByVal Key) As IDrive Get drive


DriveTypeConst Description
Const CDRom = 4
Const Fixed = 2
Const RamDisk = 5
Const Remote = 3
Const Removable = 1
Const UnknownType = 0


Encoder Description
Function EncodeScriptFile(ByVal szExt As String, ByVal bstrStreamIn As String, ByVal cFlags As Long, ByVal bstrDefaultLang As String) As String Call the Encoder determined by szExt, passing bstrStreamIn and optional arguments


File Description
Property Attributes As __MIDL___MIDL_itf_scrrun_0000_0001 File attributes
Property DateCreated As Date Date file was created
Property DateLastAccessed As Date Date file was last accessed
Property DateLastModified As Date Date file was last modified
Property Drive As IDrive Get drive that contains file
Property Name As String Get name of file
Property ParentFolder As IFolder Get folder that contains file
Property Path As String Path to the file
Property ShortName As String Short name
Property ShortPath As String Short path
Property Size File size
Property Type As String Type description
Sub Copy(ByVal Destination As String, [ByVal OverWriteFiles As BooleanTrue]) Copy this file
Sub Delete([ByVal Force As BooleanFalse]) Delete this file
Sub Move(ByVal Destination As String) Move this file
Function OpenAsTextStream([ByVal IOMode As IOModeForReading], [ByVal Format As TristateTristateFalse]) As ITextStream Open a file as a TextStream


FileAttribute Description
Const Alias = 1024 (&H400)
Const Archive = 32 (&H20)
Const Compressed = 2048 (&H800)
Const Directory = 16 (&H10)
Const Hidden = 2
Const Normal = 0
Const ReadOnly = 1
Const System = 4
Const Volume = 8


Files Description
Property Count As Long Number of folders
Property Item(ByVal Key) As IFile Get file


FileSystemObject Description
Property Drives As IDriveCollection Get drives collection
Sub CopyFile(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String, [ByVal OverWriteFiles As BooleanTrue]) Copy a file
Sub CopyFolder(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String, [ByVal OverWriteFiles As BooleanTrue]) Copy a folder
Sub DeleteFile(ByVal FileSpec As String, [ByVal Force As BooleanFalse]) Delete a file
Sub DeleteFolder(ByVal FolderSpec As String, [ByVal Force As BooleanFalse]) Delete a folder
Sub MoveFile(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String) Move a file
Sub MoveFolder(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String) Move a folder
Function BuildPath(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Name As String) As String Generate a path from an existing path and a name
Function CreateFolder(ByVal Path As String) As IFolder Create a folder
Function CreateTextFile(ByVal FileName As String, [ByVal Overwrite As BooleanTrue], [ByVal Unicode As BooleanFalse]) As ITextStream Create a file as a TextStream
Function DriveExists(ByVal DriveSpec As String) As Boolean Check if a drive or a share exists
Function FileExists(ByVal FileSpec As String) As Boolean Check if a file exists
Function FolderExists(ByVal FolderSpec As String) As Boolean Check if a path exists
Function GetAbsolutePathName(ByVal Path As String) As String Return the canonical representation of the path
Function GetBaseName(ByVal Path As String) As String Return base name from a path
Function GetDrive(ByVal DriveSpec As String) As IDrive Get drive or UNC share
Function GetDriveName(ByVal Path As String) As String Return drive from a path
Function GetExtensionName(ByVal Path As String) As String Return extension from path
Function GetFile(ByVal FilePath As String) As IFile Get file
Function GetFileName(ByVal Path As String) As String Return the file name from a path
Function GetFileVersion(ByVal FileName As String) As String Retrieve the file version of the specified file into a string
Function GetFolder(ByVal FolderPath As String) As IFolder Get folder
Function GetParentFolderName(ByVal Path As String) As String Return path to the parent folder
Function GetSpecialFolder(ByVal SpecialFolder As __MIDL___MIDL_itf_scrrun_0094_0002) As IFolder Get location of various system folders
Function GetStandardStream(ByVal StandardStreamType As __MIDL___MIDL_itf_scrrun_0094_0003, ByVal Unicode As Boolean) As ITextStream Retrieve the standard input, output or error stream
Function GetTempName As String Generate name that can be used to name a temporary file
Function OpenTextFile(ByVal FileName As String, [ByVal IOMode As IOModeForReading], [ByVal Create As BooleanFalse], [ByVal Format As TristateTristateFalse]) As ITextStream Open a file as a TextStream


Folder Description
Property Attributes As __MIDL___MIDL_itf_scrrun_0000_0001 Folder attributes
Property DateCreated As Date Date folder was created
Property DateLastAccessed As Date Date folder was last accessed
Property DateLastModified As Date Date folder was last modified
Property Drive As IDrive Get drive that contains folder
Property Files As IFileCollection Get files collection
Property IsRootFolder As Boolean True if folder is root
Property Name As String Get name of folder
Property ParentFolder As IFolder Get parent folder
Property Path As String Path to folder
Property ShortName As String Short name
Property ShortPath As String Short path
Property Size Sum of files and subfolders
Property SubFolders As IFolderCollection Get folders collection
Property Type As String Type description
Sub Copy(ByVal Destination As String, [ByVal OverWriteFiles As BooleanTrue]) Copy this folder
Sub Delete([ByVal Force As BooleanFalse]) Delete this folder
Sub Move(ByVal Destination As String) Move this folder
Function CreateTextFile(ByVal FileName As String, [ByVal Overwrite As BooleanTrue], [ByVal Unicode As BooleanFalse]) As ITextStream Create a file as a TextStream


Folders Description
Property Count As Long Number of folders
Property Item(ByVal Key) As IFolder Get folder
Function Add(ByVal Name As String) As IFolder Create a new folder


IFileSystem Description
Property Drives As IDriveCollection Get drives collection
Sub CopyFile(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String, [ByVal OverWriteFiles As BooleanTrue]) Copy a file
Sub CopyFolder(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String, [ByVal OverWriteFiles As BooleanTrue]) Copy a folder
Sub DeleteFile(ByVal FileSpec As String, [ByVal Force As BooleanFalse]) Delete a file
Sub DeleteFolder(ByVal FolderSpec As String, [ByVal Force As BooleanFalse]) Delete a folder
Sub MoveFile(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String) Move a file
Sub MoveFolder(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String) Move a folder
Function BuildPath(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Name As String) As String Generate a path from an existing path and a name
Function CreateFolder(ByVal Path As String) As IFolder Create a folder
Function CreateTextFile(ByVal FileName As String, [ByVal Overwrite As BooleanTrue], [ByVal Unicode As BooleanFalse]) As ITextStream Create a file as a TextStream
Function DriveExists(ByVal DriveSpec As String) As Boolean Check if a drive or a share exists
Function FileExists(ByVal FileSpec As String) As Boolean Check if a file exists
Function FolderExists(ByVal FolderSpec As String) As Boolean Check if a path exists
Function GetAbsolutePathName(ByVal Path As String) As String Return the canonical representation of the path
Function GetBaseName(ByVal Path As String) As String Return base name from a path
Function GetDrive(ByVal DriveSpec As String) As IDrive Get drive or UNC share
Function GetDriveName(ByVal Path As String) As String Return drive from a path
Function GetExtensionName(ByVal Path As String) As String Return extension from path
Function GetFile(ByVal FilePath As String) As IFile Get file
Function GetFileName(ByVal Path As String) As String Return the file name from a path
Function GetFolder(ByVal FolderPath As String) As IFolder Get folder
Function GetParentFolderName(ByVal Path As String) As String Return path to the parent folder
Function GetSpecialFolder(ByVal SpecialFolder As __MIDL___MIDL_itf_scrrun_0094_0002) As IFolder Get location of various system folders
Function GetTempName As String Generate name that can be used to name a temporary file
Function OpenTextFile(ByVal FileName As String, [ByVal IOMode As IOModeForReading], [ByVal Create As BooleanFalse], [ByVal Format As TristateTristateFalse]) As ITextStream Open a file as a TextStream

