Dictionary | Description |
Property CompareMode As CompareMethod | Set or get the string comparison method. |
Property Count As Long | Get the number of items in the dictionary. |
Property HashVal(Key) | (undocumented) |
Property Item(Key) | Set or get the item for a given key |
Property Key(Key) | Change a key to a different key. |
Sub Add(Key, Item) | Add a new key and item to the dictionary. |
Sub Remove(Key) | Remove a given key from the dictionary. |
Sub RemoveAll | Remove all information from the dictionary. |
Function Exists(Key) As Boolean | Determine if a given key is in the dictionary. |
Function Items | Get an array containing all items in the dictionary. |
Function Keys | Get an array containing all keys in the dictionary. |
Drive | Description |
Property AvailableSpace | Get available space |
Property DriveLetter As String | Drive letter |
Property DriveType As __MIDL___MIDL_itf_scrrun_0094_0001 | Drive type |
Property FileSystem As String | Filesystem type |
Property FreeSpace | Get drive free space |
Property IsReady As Boolean | Check if disk is available |
Property Path As String | Path |
Property RootFolder As IFolder | Root folder |
Property SerialNumber As Long | Serial number |
Property ShareName As String | Share name |
Property TotalSize | Get total drive size |
Property VolumeName As String | Name of volume |
Drives | Description |
Property Count As Long | Number of drives |
Property Item(ByVal Key) As IDrive | Get drive |
DriveTypeConst | Description |
Const CDRom = 4 | |
Const Fixed = 2 | |
Const RamDisk = 5 | |
Const Remote = 3 | |
Const Removable = 1 | |
Const UnknownType = 0 |
Encoder | Description |
Function EncodeScriptFile(ByVal szExt As String, ByVal bstrStreamIn As String, ByVal cFlags As Long, ByVal bstrDefaultLang As String) As String | Call the Encoder determined by szExt, passing bstrStreamIn and optional arguments |
File | Description |
Property Attributes As __MIDL___MIDL_itf_scrrun_0000_0001 | File attributes |
Property DateCreated As Date | Date file was created |
Property DateLastAccessed As Date | Date file was last accessed |
Property DateLastModified As Date | Date file was last modified |
Property Drive As IDrive | Get drive that contains file |
Property Name As String | Get name of file |
Property ParentFolder As IFolder | Get folder that contains file |
Property Path As String | Path to the file |
Property ShortName As String | Short name |
Property ShortPath As String | Short path |
Property Size | File size |
Property Type As String | Type description |
Sub Copy(ByVal Destination As String, [ByVal OverWriteFiles As BooleanTrue]) | Copy this file |
Sub Delete([ByVal Force As BooleanFalse]) | Delete this file |
Sub Move(ByVal Destination As String) | Move this file |
Function OpenAsTextStream([ByVal IOMode As IOModeForReading], [ByVal Format As TristateTristateFalse]) As ITextStream | Open a file as a TextStream |
FileAttribute | Description |
Const Alias = 1024 (&H400) | |
Const Archive = 32 (&H20) | |
Const Compressed = 2048 (&H800) | |
Const Directory = 16 (&H10) | |
Const Hidden = 2 | |
Const Normal = 0 | |
Const ReadOnly = 1 | |
Const System = 4 | |
Const Volume = 8 |
Files | Description |
Property Count As Long | Number of folders |
Property Item(ByVal Key) As IFile | Get file |
FileSystemObject | Description |
Property Drives As IDriveCollection | Get drives collection |
Sub CopyFile(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String, [ByVal OverWriteFiles As BooleanTrue]) | Copy a file |
Sub CopyFolder(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String, [ByVal OverWriteFiles As BooleanTrue]) | Copy a folder |
Sub DeleteFile(ByVal FileSpec As String, [ByVal Force As BooleanFalse]) | Delete a file |
Sub DeleteFolder(ByVal FolderSpec As String, [ByVal Force As BooleanFalse]) | Delete a folder |
Sub MoveFile(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String) | Move a file |
Sub MoveFolder(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String) | Move a folder |
Function BuildPath(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Name As String) As String | Generate a path from an existing path and a name |
Function CreateFolder(ByVal Path As String) As IFolder | Create a folder |
Function CreateTextFile(ByVal FileName As String, [ByVal Overwrite As BooleanTrue], [ByVal Unicode As BooleanFalse]) As ITextStream | Create a file as a TextStream |
Function DriveExists(ByVal DriveSpec As String) As Boolean | Check if a drive or a share exists |
Function FileExists(ByVal FileSpec As String) As Boolean | Check if a file exists |
Function FolderExists(ByVal FolderSpec As String) As Boolean | Check if a path exists |
Function GetAbsolutePathName(ByVal Path As String) As String | Return the canonical representation of the path |
Function GetBaseName(ByVal Path As String) As String | Return base name from a path |
Function GetDrive(ByVal DriveSpec As String) As IDrive | Get drive or UNC share |
Function GetDriveName(ByVal Path As String) As String | Return drive from a path |
Function GetExtensionName(ByVal Path As String) As String | Return extension from path |
Function GetFile(ByVal FilePath As String) As IFile | Get file |
Function GetFileName(ByVal Path As String) As String | Return the file name from a path |
Function GetFileVersion(ByVal FileName As String) As String | Retrieve the file version of the specified file into a string |
Function GetFolder(ByVal FolderPath As String) As IFolder | Get folder |
Function GetParentFolderName(ByVal Path As String) As String | Return path to the parent folder |
Function GetSpecialFolder(ByVal SpecialFolder As __MIDL___MIDL_itf_scrrun_0094_0002) As IFolder | Get location of various system folders |
Function GetStandardStream(ByVal StandardStreamType As __MIDL___MIDL_itf_scrrun_0094_0003, ByVal Unicode As Boolean) As ITextStream | Retrieve the standard input, output or error stream |
Function GetTempName As String | Generate name that can be used to name a temporary file |
Function OpenTextFile(ByVal FileName As String, [ByVal IOMode As IOModeForReading], [ByVal Create As BooleanFalse], [ByVal Format As TristateTristateFalse]) As ITextStream | Open a file as a TextStream |
Folder | Description |
Property Attributes As __MIDL___MIDL_itf_scrrun_0000_0001 | Folder attributes |
Property DateCreated As Date | Date folder was created |
Property DateLastAccessed As Date | Date folder was last accessed |
Property DateLastModified As Date | Date folder was last modified |
Property Drive As IDrive | Get drive that contains folder |
Property Files As IFileCollection | Get files collection |
Property IsRootFolder As Boolean | True if folder is root |
Property Name As String | Get name of folder |
Property ParentFolder As IFolder | Get parent folder |
Property Path As String | Path to folder |
Property ShortName As String | Short name |
Property ShortPath As String | Short path |
Property Size | Sum of files and subfolders |
Property SubFolders As IFolderCollection | Get folders collection |
Property Type As String | Type description |
Sub Copy(ByVal Destination As String, [ByVal OverWriteFiles As BooleanTrue]) | Copy this folder |
Sub Delete([ByVal Force As BooleanFalse]) | Delete this folder |
Sub Move(ByVal Destination As String) | Move this folder |
Function CreateTextFile(ByVal FileName As String, [ByVal Overwrite As BooleanTrue], [ByVal Unicode As BooleanFalse]) As ITextStream | Create a file as a TextStream |
Folders | Description |
Property Count As Long | Number of folders |
Property Item(ByVal Key) As IFolder | Get folder |
Function Add(ByVal Name As String) As IFolder | Create a new folder |
IFileSystem | Description |
Property Drives As IDriveCollection | Get drives collection |
Sub CopyFile(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String, [ByVal OverWriteFiles As BooleanTrue]) | Copy a file |
Sub CopyFolder(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String, [ByVal OverWriteFiles As BooleanTrue]) | Copy a folder |
Sub DeleteFile(ByVal FileSpec As String, [ByVal Force As BooleanFalse]) | Delete a file |
Sub DeleteFolder(ByVal FolderSpec As String, [ByVal Force As BooleanFalse]) | Delete a folder |
Sub MoveFile(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String) | Move a file |
Sub MoveFolder(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String) | Move a folder |
Function BuildPath(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Name As String) As String | Generate a path from an existing path and a name |
Function CreateFolder(ByVal Path As String) As IFolder | Create a folder |
Function CreateTextFile(ByVal FileName As String, [ByVal Overwrite As BooleanTrue], [ByVal Unicode As BooleanFalse]) As ITextStream | Create a file as a TextStream |
Function DriveExists(ByVal DriveSpec As String) As Boolean | Check if a drive or a share exists |
Function FileExists(ByVal FileSpec As String) As Boolean | Check if a file exists |
Function FolderExists(ByVal FolderSpec As String) As Boolean | Check if a path exists |
Function GetAbsolutePathName(ByVal Path As String) As String | Return the canonical representation of the path |
Function GetBaseName(ByVal Path As String) As String | Return base name from a path |
Function GetDrive(ByVal DriveSpec As String) As IDrive | Get drive or UNC share |
Function GetDriveName(ByVal Path As String) As String | Return drive from a path |
Function GetExtensionName(ByVal Path As String) As String | Return extension from path |
Function GetFile(ByVal FilePath As String) As IFile | Get file |
Function GetFileName(ByVal Path As String) As String | Return the file name from a path |
Function GetFolder(ByVal FolderPath As String) As IFolder | Get folder |
Function GetParentFolderName(ByVal Path As String) As String | Return path to the parent folder |
Function GetSpecialFolder(ByVal SpecialFolder As __MIDL___MIDL_itf_scrrun_0094_0002) As IFolder | Get location of various system folders |
Function GetTempName As String | Generate name that can be used to name a temporary file |
Function OpenTextFile(ByVal FileName As String, [ByVal IOMode As IOModeForReading], [ByVal Create As BooleanFalse], [ByVal Format As TristateTristateFalse]) As ITextStream | Open a file as a TextStream |