IMediaPlayerDvd | Description |
Property AnglesAvailable As Long | Get the number of available Angles |
Property AudioStreamsAvailable As Long | Gets the number of available Audio streams |
Property ButtonsAvailable As Long | Gets the number of available buttons |
Property CCActive As Boolean | Gets the active state of the closed captioning service |
Property ColorKey As Long | Gets ColorKey for the overlay |
Property CurrentAngle As Long | Gets the current Angle |
Property CurrentAudioStream As Long | Gets the current audio stream |
Property CurrentButton As Long | Gets the current button number |
Property CurrentCCService As Long | Gets the current closed captioning service |
Property CurrentChapter As Long | Gets the current Chapter |
Property CurrentDiscSide As Long | Gets the current disc side |
Property CurrentDomain As Long | Gets the current Domain |
Property CurrentSubpictureStream As Long | Gets the current subpicture stream |
Property CurrentTime As String | Gets the current Time |
Property CurrentTitle As Long | Gets the current Title |
Property CurrentVolume As Long | Gets the current volume |
Property FramesPerSecond As Long | Gets the number of frames per second used by the current title |
Property Root As String | Sets the root directory containing the DVD-Video volume |
Property SubpictureOn As Boolean | Gets the state of the Subpicture display |
Property SubpictureStreamsAvailable As Long | Gets the number of available subpicture streams |
Property TitlesAvailable As Long | Gets the number of available titles |
Property TotalTitleTime As String | Gets a string containing the total time in the title (hh:mm:ss:ff) |
Property UniqueID As String | Gets a Unique identifier for the current DVD-Video disk |
Property VolumesAvailable As Long | Gets the number of available volumes |
Sub BackwardScan(ByVal dwSpeed As Double) | reverse play at the specified speed |
Sub ButtonActivate | Activates the currentlt selected button |
Sub ButtonSelectAndActivate(ByVal uiButton As Long) | Selects and activates specified button |
Sub ChapterPlay(ByVal uiTitle As Long, ByVal uiChapter As Long) | Play chapter number 1-99 of title 1-99 |
Sub ChapterPlayAutoStop(ByVal ulTitle As Long, ByVal ulChapter As Long, ByVal ulChaptersToPlay As Long) | Playing a sequence of chapters in specified title |
Sub ChapterSearch(ByVal Chapter As Long) | play at specified chapter in current title |
Sub ForwardScan(ByVal dwSpeed As Double) | forward play at the specified speed |
Sub GoUp | play current program chain |
Sub LeftButtonSelect | Selects the button to the left of current button |
Sub LowerButtonSelect | Selects the button below current button |
Sub MenuCall(ByVal MenuID As DVDMenuIDConstants) | Play specified menu |
Sub NextPGSearch | play next program |
Sub PrevPGSearch | play previous program |
Sub ResumeFromMenu | Resume title playback |
Sub RightButtonSelect | Selects the button to the right of current button |
Sub StillOff | Releases any current still if there are no available buttons |
Sub TimePlay(ByVal uiTitle As Long, ByVal bstrTime As String) | Play at specified time (hh:mm:ss:ff) within specified title |
Sub TimeSearch(ByVal bstrTime As String) | play at specified time in current title |
Sub TitlePlay(ByVal uiTitle As Long) | Play title number 1-99 |
Sub TopPGSearch | play current program |
Sub UpperButtonSelect | Selects the button above current button |
Function GetAllGPRMs | Gets an array of the DVD General Parameter Registers |
Function GetAllSPRMs | Gets an array of the DVD System Parameter Registers |
Function GetAudioLanguage(ByVal ulStream As Long) As String | Gets the name of the Audio language |
Function GetNumberOfChapters(ByVal ulTitle As Long) As Long | Gets the number of chapters for the specified title |
Function GetSubpictureLanguage(ByVal ulStream As Long) As String | Gets the name of the Subpicture language |
Function UOPValid(ByVal ulUOP As Long) As Boolean | Checks the validity of the UOP |
IMediaPlayerListener | Description |
Sub Buffering(ByVal fStart As Boolean) | |
Sub BufferPercent(ByVal lBufferPercent As Long) | |
Sub Error(ByVal bstrError As String) | |
Sub MediaInfoChanged(ByVal bstrShowTitle As String, ByVal bstrClipTitle As String, ByVal bstrClipAuthor As String, ByVal bstrClipCopyright As String, ByVal bstrStationURL As String) | |
Sub OpenStateChanged(ByVal lOpenState As Long) | |
Sub PlayStateChanged(ByVal lNewState As Long) | |
Sub QualityChanged(ByVal lQuality As Long) |
IRadioServer | Description |
Sub IsRadioExists(ByVal wszRadio As String) | |
Sub LaunchStandardUrl(ByVal bszUrl As String, ByVal pBrowser As Unknown) | |
Function BindToRadio(ByVal wszRadio As String) As IRadioPlayer |
IServiceProvider | Description |
Sub RemoteQueryService(guidService As stdole.GUID, riid As stdole.GUID, ppvObject As Unknown) |
MPDisplayModeConstants | Description |
Const mpFrames = 1 | Frames |
Const mpTime = 0 | Time |
MPDisplaySizeConstants | Description |
Const mpDefaultSize = 0 | 0 - Default Size |
Const mpDoubleSize = 2 | 2 - Double Size |
Const mpFitToSize = 4 | 4 - Fit to Size |
Const mpFullScreen = 3 | 3 - Full Screen |
Const mpHalfSize = 1 | 1 - Half Size |
Const mpOneFourthScreen = 6 | 6 - One Fourth Screen |
Const mpOneHalfScreen = 7 | 7 - One Half Screen |
Const mpOneSixteenthScreen = 5 | 5 - One Sixteenth Screen |
MPMediaInfoType | Description |
Const mpBannerImage = 14 | Current Banner Image |
Const mpBannerMoreInfo = 15 | Current Banner MoreInfo |
Const mpClipAuthor = 9 | Clip Author |
Const mpClipCopyright = 10 | Clip Copyright |
Const mpClipDescription = 12 | Clip Description |
Const mpClipFilename = 7 | Clip filename |
Const mpClipLogoIcon = 13 | Clip Logo Icon |
Const mpClipRating = 11 | Clip Rating |
Const mpClipTitle = 8 | Clip Title |
Const mpShowAuthor = 2 | Show Author |
Const mpShowCopyright = 3 | Show Copyright |
Const mpShowDescription = 5 | Show Description |
Const mpShowFilename = 0 | Show filename |
Const mpShowLogoIcon = 6 | Show Logo Icon |
Const mpShowRating = 4 | Show Rating |
Const mpShowTitle = 1 | Show Title |
Const mpWatermark = 16 (&H10) | Current Watermark |
MPMoreInfoType | Description |
Const mpBannerURL = 2 | More Information URL for Banner |
Const mpClipURL = 1 | More Information URL for Clip |
Const mpShowURL = 0 | More Information URL for Show |
MPPlayStateConstants | Description |
Const mpClosed = 6 | Stream has not been opened |
Const mpPaused = 1 | Playback is paused |
Const mpPlaying = 2 | Stream is playing |
Const mpScanForward = 4 | Stream is Scanning forward |
Const mpScanReverse = 5 | Stream is Scanning in reverse |
Const mpStopped = 0 | Playback is stopped |
Const mpWaiting = 3 | Waiting for stream to begin |
MPReadyStateConstants | Description |
Const mpReadyStateComplete = 4 | 4 - Complete |
Const mpReadyStateInteractive = 3 | 3 - Interactive |
Const mpReadyStateLoading = 1 | 1 - Loading |
Const mpReadyStateUninitialized = 0 | 0 - Uninitialized |
MPShowDialogConstants | Description |
Const mpShowDialogContextMenu = 3 | 3 - Context Menu |
Const mpShowDialogHelp = 0 | 0 - Help |
Const mpShowDialogOptions = 2 | 2 - Options |
Const mpShowDialogStatistics = 1 | 1 - Statistics |
RadioBand | Description |
Sub Create(phwnd As Long, ByVal hwndParent As Long) |
RadioPlayer | Description |
Property Mute As Boolean | |
Property Url As String | |
Property Volume As Long | |
Sub BindRadioMemory | |
Sub GetState(plOpenState As Long, pfBuffering As Long, plBufferingPercent As Long, plQuality As Long) | |
Sub GetStatus(plVolume As Long, pfMute As Long, pfPlay As Long, __MIDL_0013 As String, __MIDL_0014 As String, __MIDL_0015 As String, __MIDL_0016 As String, __MIDL_0017 As String, __MIDL_0018 As String, __MIDL_0019 As String) | |
Sub Play | |
Sub ReleaseRadio | |
Sub Stop | |
Sub Unregister(ByVal lRegister As Long) | |
Function GetInstanceCount As Long | |
Function GetSection As String | |
Function RegisterEvent(ByVal bszEvent As String) As Long | |
Function RegisterWindow(ByVal __MIDL_0012 As Long, ByVal dwMessage As Long, ByVal dwCodeSet As Long) As Long | |
Sub StateChange(ByVal bszUrl As String, ByVal fPlay As Boolean, ByVal lVolume As Long, ByVal fMute As Boolean) |
RadioServer | Description |
Property Mute As Boolean | |
Property Url As String | |
Property Volume As Long | |
Sub BindRadioMemory | |
Sub GetState(plOpenState As Long, pfBuffering As Long, plBufferingPercent As Long, plQuality As Long) | |
Sub GetStatus(plVolume As Long, pfMute As Long, pfPlay As Long, __MIDL_0013 As String, __MIDL_0014 As String, __MIDL_0015 As String, __MIDL_0016 As String, __MIDL_0017 As String, __MIDL_0018 As String, __MIDL_0019 As String) | |
Sub Play | |
Sub ReleaseRadio | |
Sub Stop | |
Sub Unregister(ByVal lRegister As Long) | |
Function GetInstanceCount As Long | |
Function GetSection As String | |
Function RegisterEvent(ByVal bszEvent As String) As Long | |
Function RegisterWindow(ByVal __MIDL_0012 As Long, ByVal dwMessage As Long, ByVal dwCodeSet As Long) As Long | |
Sub StateChange(ByVal bszUrl As String, ByVal fPlay As Boolean, ByVal lVolume As Long, ByVal fMute As Boolean) |
ReadyStateConstants | Description |
Const amvComplete = 4 | ActiveMovie is fully loaded, permitting full user interaction |
Const amvInteractive = 3 | ActiveMovie is not fully loaded, but will permit limited user interaction |
Const amvLoading = 1 | ActiveMovie is loading |
Const amvUninitialized = 0 | ActiveMovie is uninitialized |