ColorConstants | Description |
Const cdlCCFullOpen = 2 | Entire dialog box is displayed, including the Define Custom Colors section. |
Const cdlCCHelpButton = 8 | Dialog box displays a Help button. |
Const cdlCCPreventFullOpen = 4 | Disables the Define Custom Colors section of the dialog box. |
Const cdlCCRGBInit = 1 | Sets initial color value for the dialog box. |
CommonDialog | Description |
Property _Action As Integer | (undocumented) |
Property Action As Integer | Returns/sets the type of dialog box to be displayed. |
Property CancelError As Boolean | Indicates whether an error is generated when the user chooses the Cancel button. |
Property Color As Long | Returns/sets the selected color. |
Property Copies As Integer | Returns/sets a value that determines the number of copies to be printed. |
Property DefaultExt As String | Returns/sets the default filename extension for the dialog box. |
Property DialogTitle As String | Sets the string displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. |
Property FileName As String | Returns/sets the path and filename of a selected file. |
Property Filter As String | Returns/sets the filters that are displayed in the Type list box of a dialog box. |
Property FilterIndex As Integer | Returns/sets a default filter for an Open or Save As dialog box. |
Property Flags As Long | Sets the options for a dialog box. |
Property FontBold As Boolean | Returns/sets bold font styles. |
Property FontItalic As Boolean | Returns/sets italic font styles. |
Property FontName As String | Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level. |
Property FontSize As Single | Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level. |
Property FontStrikeThru As Boolean | Returns/sets strikethrough font styles. |
Property FontUnderLine As Boolean | Returns/sets underline font styles. |
Property FromPage As Integer | Returns/sets the value for the first page to be printed. |
Property HelpCommand As Integer | Returns/sets the type of online Help requested. |
Property HelpContext As Long | Returns/sets the context ID of the requested Help topic. |
Property HelpFile As String | Returns/sets the name of the Help file associated with the project. |
Property HelpKey As String | Returns/sets the keyword that identifies the requested Help topic. |
Property InitDir As String | Returns/sets the initial file directory. |
Property Max As Integer | Returns/sets the maximum font size (Font dialog) or print range (Print dialog). |
Property MaxFileSize As Integer | Returns/sets the maximum size of the filename opened using the CommonDialog control. |
Property Min As Integer | Sets the smallest allowable font size (Font dialog) or print range (Print dialog). |
Property Orientation As PrinterOrientationConstants | Returns/sets printer paper orientation |
Property PrinterDefault As Boolean | Determines if user selections in the Print dialog box are used to change the default printer settings. |
Property ToPage As Integer | Returns/sets the value for the first page to be printed. |
Sub AboutBox | (undocumented) |
Sub ShowColor | Displays the CommonDialog control's Color dialog box. |
Sub ShowFont | Displays the CommonDialog control's Font dialog box |
Sub ShowHelp | Runs Winhelp.EXE and displays the Help file you specify. |
Sub ShowOpen | Displays the CommonDialog control's Open dialog box. |
Sub ShowPrinter | Displays the CommonDialog control's Printer dialog box. |
Sub ShowSave | Displays the CommonDialog control's Save As dialog box. |
ErrorConstants | Description |
Const cdlAlloc = 32752 (∓H7FF0) | Couldn't allocate memory for FileName or Filter. |
Const cdlBufferTooSmall = 20476 (∓H4FFC) | The buffer at which the member LpstrFile points is too small. |
Const cdlCancel = 32755 (∓H7FF3) | Cancel was selected. |
Const cdlCreateICFailure = 28661 (∓H6FF5) | The PrintDlg function failed when creating an information context. |
Const cdlDialogFailure = -32768 (∓HFFFF8000) | Failed to show the common dialog. |
Const cdlDndmMismatch = 28662 (∓H6FF6) | DevMode and DevNames data structures describe two different printers. |
Const cdlFindResFailure = 32761 (∓H7FF9) | The function failed to load a specified resource. |
Const cdlGetDevModeFail = 28666 (∓H6FFA) | The printer-device driver failed to initialize a DEVMODE data structure. |
Const cdlGetNotSupported = 394 (∓H18A) | Property is write-only |
Const cdlHelp = 32751 (∓H7FEF) | Call to Windows Help failed. |
Const cdlInitFailure = 28665 (∓H6FF9) | The PrintDlg function failed during initialization. |
Const cdlInitialization = 32765 (∓H7FFD) | The function failed during initialization. |
Const cdlInvalidFileName = 20477 (∓H4FFD) | File name is invalid. |
Const cdlInvalidPropertyValue = 380 (∓H17C) | Invalid property value |
Const cdlInvalidSafeModeProcCall = 680 (∓H2A8) | Invalid procedure call in safe mode |
Const cdlLoadDrvFailure = 28667 (∓H6FFB) | The PrintDlg function failed to load the specified printer's device driver. |
Const cdlLoadResFailure = 32760 (∓H7FF8) | The function failed to load a specified resource. |
Const cdlLoadStrFailure = 32762 (∓H7FFA) | The function failed to load a specified string. |
Const cdlLockResFailure = 32759 (∓H7FF7) | The function failed to lock a specified resource. |
Const cdlMemAllocFailure = 32758 (∓H7FF6) | The function was unable to allocate memory for internal data structures. |
Const cdlMemLockFailure = 32757 (∓H7FF5) | The function was unable to lock the memory associated with a handle. |
Const cdlNoDefaultPrn = 28663 (∓H6FF7) | A default printer does not exist. |
Const cdlNoDevices = 28664 (∓H6FF8) | No printer device-drivers were found. |
Const cdlNoFonts = 24574 (∓H5FFE) | No fonts exist. |
Const cdlNoInstance = 32763 (∓H7FFB) | Application did not provide an instance handle. |
Const cdlNoTemplate = 32764 (∓H7FFC) | No template provided by the application. |
Const cdlParseFailure = 28669 (∓H6FFD) | The Common Dialog function failed to parse the strings in WIN.INI. |
Const cdlPrinterCodes = 28671 (∓H6FFF) | The printer device driver failed to initialize a DevMode data structure. (undocumented) |
Const cdlPrinterNotFound = 28660 (∓H6FF4) | The [devices] section of WIN.INI does not contain an entry for the printer. |
Const cdlRetDefFailure = 28668 (∓H6FFC) | The PDReturnDefault flag was set, but a field was nonzero. |
Const cdlSetNotSupported = 383 (∓H17F) | Property is read-only |
Const cdlSetupFailure = 28670 (∓H6FFE) | Setup failed (undocumented) |
Const cdlSubclassFailure = 20478 (∓H4FFE) | An attempt to subclass a listbox failed due to insufficient memory. |
FileOpenConstants | Description |
Const cdlOFNAllowMultiselect = 512 (∓H200) | Allows the File Name list box to have multiple selections. |
Const cdlOFNCreatePrompt = 8192 (∓H2000) | Asks if the user wants to create a file that does not currently exist. |
Const cdlOFNExplorer = 524288 (∓H80000) | Windows 95 Open A File dialog box template. |
Const cdlOFNExtensionDifferent = 1024 (∓H400) | Extension of returned file name is different from the one set by DefaultExt. |
Const cdlOFNFileMustExist = 4096 (∓H1000) | User can enter only names of existing files. |
Const cdlOFNHelpButton = 16 (∓H10) | Causes the dialog box to display the Help button. |
Const cdlOFNHideReadOnly = 4 | Hides the Read Only check box. |
Const cdlOFNLongNames = 2097152 (∓H200000) | Long filenames. |
Const cdlOFNNoChangeDir = 8 | Sets the current directory to what it was when the dialog box was invoked. |
Const cdlOFNNoDereferenceLinks = 1048576 (∓H100000) | No shortcuts. |
Const cdlOFNNoLongNames = 262144 (∓H40000) | No long filenames. |
Const cdlOFNNoReadOnlyReturn = 32768 (∓H8000) | The returned file will not have the Read Only attribute set. |
Const cdlOFNNoValidate = 256 (∓H100) | Allows invalid characters in the returned file name. |
Const cdlOFNOverwritePrompt = 2 | Generates a message box if the selected file already exists. |
Const cdlOFNPathMustExist = 2048 (∓H800) | User can enter only valid path names. |
Const cdlOFNReadOnly = 1 | Checks Read Only check box for Open and Save As dialog boxes. |
Const cdlOFNShareAware = 16384 (∓H4000) | Sharing violation errors will be ignored. |
FontsConstants | Description |
Const cdlCFANSIOnly = 1024 (∓H400) | Dialog box allows only fonts that use the Windows character set. |
Const cdlCFApply = 512 (∓H200) | Dialog box enables the Apply button. |
Const cdlCFBoth = 3 | Dialog box lists available screen and printer fonts. |
Const cdlCFEffects = 256 (∓H100) | Dialog enables strikeout, underline, and color effects. |
Const cdlCFFixedPitchOnly = 16384 (∓H4000) | Dialog box should select only fixed-pitch fonts. |
Const cdlCFForceFontExist = 65536 (∓H10000) | Displays an error if a user selects a font or style that doesn't exist. |
Const cdlCFHelpButton = 4 | Dialog box displays a Help button. |
Const cdlCFLimitSize = 8192 (∓H2000) | Selects font sizes within the range specified by Min and Max properties. |
Const cdlCFNoFaceSel = 524288 (∓H80000) | No font name selected. |
Const cdlCFNoSimulations = 4096 (∓H1000) | Dialog box should not allow graphic device interface (GDI) font simulations. |
Const cdlCFNoSizeSel = 2097152 (∓H200000) | No font size selected. |
Const cdlCFNoStyleSel = 1048576 (∓H100000) | No font style selected. |
Const cdlCFNoVectorFonts = 2048 (∓H800) | Dialog box should not allow vector-font selections. |
Const cdlCFPrinterFonts = 2 | Dialog box lists only fonts supported by the printer. |
Const cdlCFScalableOnly = 131072 (∓H20000) | Dialog box should allow only the selection of scaleable fonts. |
Const cdlCFScreenFonts = 1 | Dialog box lists only screen fonts supported by the system. |
Const cdlCFTTOnly = 262144 (∓H40000) | Dialog box should allow only the selection of True Type fonts. |
Const cdlCFWYSIWYG = 32768 (∓H8000) | Allows only the selection of fonts available to both the screen and printer. |
HelpConstants | Description |
Const cdlHelpCommandHelp = 258 (∓H102) | Displays Help for a particular command. |
Const cdlHelpContents = 3 | Displays the contents topic in the current Help file. |
Const cdlHelpContext = 1 | Displays Help for a particular topic. |
Const cdlHelpContextPopup = 8 | Displays a topic identified by a context number. |
Const cdlHelpForceFile = 9 | Creates a Help file that displays text in only one font. |
Const cdlHelpHelpOnHelp = 4 | Display Help for using the Help application itself. |
Const cdlHelpIndex = 3 | Displays the index of the specified Help file. |
Const cdlHelpKey = 257 (∓H101) | Displays Help for a particular keyword. |
Const cdlHelpPartialKey = 261 (∓H105) | Call the search engine in Windows Help. |
Const cdlHelpQuit = 2 | Notifies the Help application that the specified Help file is no longer in use. |
Const cdlHelpSetContents = 5 | Designates a specific topic as the contents topic. |
Const cdlHelpSetIndex = 5 | Set the current Index for multi-index Help. |
ICommonDialog11 | Description |
Property _Action As Integer | (undocumented) |
Property Action As Integer | Returns/sets the type of dialog box to be displayed. |
Property CancelError As Boolean | Indicates whether an error is generated when the user chooses the Cancel button. |
Property Color As Long | Returns/sets the selected color. |
Property Copies As Integer | Returns/sets a value that determines the number of copies to be printed. |
Property DefaultExt As String | Returns/sets the default filename extension for the dialog box. |
Property DialogTitle As String | Sets the string displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. |
Property FileName As String | Returns/sets the path and filename of a selected file. |
Property Filter As String | Returns/sets the filters that are displayed in the Type list box of a dialog box. |
Property FilterIndex As Integer | Returns/sets a default filter for an Open or Save As dialog box. |
Property Flags As Long | Sets the options for a dialog box. |
Property FontBold As Boolean | Returns/sets bold font styles. |
Property FontItalic As Boolean | Returns/sets italic font styles. |
Property FontName As String | Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level. |
Property FontSize As Single | Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level. |
Property FontStrikeThru As Boolean | Returns/sets strikethrough font styles. |
Property FontUnderLine As Boolean | Returns/sets underline font styles. |
Property FromPage As Integer | Returns/sets the value for the first page to be printed. |
Property HelpCommand As Integer | Returns/sets the type of online Help requested. |
Property HelpContext As Long | Returns/sets the context ID of the requested Help topic. |
Property HelpFile As String | Returns/sets the name of the Help file associated with the project. |
Property HelpKey As String | Returns/sets the keyword that identifies the requested Help topic. |
Property InitDir As String | Returns/sets the initial file directory. |
Property Max As Integer | Returns/sets the maximum font size (Font dialog) or print range (Print dialog). |
Property MaxFileSize As Integer | Returns/sets the maximum size of the filename opened using the CommonDialog control. |
Property Min As Integer | Sets the smallest allowable font size (Font dialog) or print range (Print dialog). |
Property Orientation As PrinterOrientationConstants | Returns/sets printer paper orientation |
Property PrinterDefault As Boolean | Determines if user selections in the Print dialog box are used to change the default printer settings. |
Property ToPage As Integer | Returns/sets the value for the first page to be printed. |
Sub AboutBox | (undocumented) |
Sub ShowColor | Displays the CommonDialog control's Color dialog box. |
Sub ShowFont | Displays the CommonDialog control's Font dialog box |
Sub ShowHelp | Runs Winhelp.EXE and displays the Help file you specify. |
Sub ShowOpen | Displays the CommonDialog control's Open dialog box. |
Sub ShowPrinter | Displays the CommonDialog control's Printer dialog box. |
Sub ShowSave | Displays the CommonDialog control's Save As dialog box. |
PrinterConstants | Description |
Const cdlPDAllPages = 0 | Sets or returns state of All Pages option button. |
Const cdlPDCollate = 16 (∓H10) | Sets or returns state of Collate check box. |
Const cdlPDDisablePrintToFile = 524288 (∓H80000) | Disables the Print to File check box. |
Const cdlPDHelpButton = 2048 (∓H800) | Dialog box displays the Help button. |
Const cdlPDHidePrintToFile = 1048576 (∓H100000) | The Print to File check box is not displayed. |
Const cdlPDNoPageNums = 8 | Sets or returns the state of the Pages option button |
Const cdlPDNoSelection = 4 | Disables the Selection option button. |
Const cdlPDNoWarning = 128 (∓H80) | Prevents a warning message when there is no default printer. |
Const cdlPDPageNums = 2 | Sets or returns the state of the Pages option button. |
Const cdlPDPrintSetup = 64 (∓H40) | Displays the Print Setup dialog box rather than the Print dialog box. |
Const cdlPDPrintToFile = 32 (∓H20) | Sets or returns the state of the Print to File check box. |
Const cdlPDReturnDC = 256 (∓H100) | Returns a device context for the printer selection. |
Const cdlPDReturnDefault = 1024 (∓H400) | Returns default printer name. |
Const cdlPDReturnIC = 512 (∓H200) | Returns an information context for the printer selection. |
Const cdlPDSelection = 1 | Sets or returns the state of the Selection option button. |
Const cdlPDUseDevModeCopies = 262144 (∓H40000) | Sets support for multiple copies. |
PrinterOrientationConstants | Description |
Const cdlLandscape = 2 | Landscape printer paper orientation |
Const cdlPortrait = 1 | Portrait printer paper orientation |