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ColorConstants  CommonDialog  ErrorConstants  FileOpenConstants  FontsConstants  HelpConstants  ICommonDialog11  PrinterConstants  PrinterOrientationConstants 
ColorConstants Description
Const cdlCCFullOpen = 2 Entire dialog box is displayed, including the Define Custom Colors section.
Const cdlCCHelpButton = 8 Dialog box displays a Help button.
Const cdlCCPreventFullOpen = 4 Disables the Define Custom Colors section of the dialog box.
Const cdlCCRGBInit = 1 Sets initial color value for the dialog box.


CommonDialog Description
Property _Action As Integer (undocumented)
Property Action As Integer Returns/sets the type of dialog box to be displayed.
Property CancelError As Boolean Indicates whether an error is generated when the user chooses the Cancel button.
Property Color As Long Returns/sets the selected color.
Property Copies As Integer Returns/sets a value that determines the number of copies to be printed.
Property DefaultExt As String Returns/sets the default filename extension for the dialog box.
Property DialogTitle As String Sets the string displayed in the title bar of the dialog box.
Property FileName As String Returns/sets the path and filename of a selected file.
Property Filter As String Returns/sets the filters that are displayed in the Type list box of a dialog box.
Property FilterIndex As Integer Returns/sets a default filter for an Open or Save As dialog box.
Property Flags As Long Sets the options for a dialog box.
Property FontBold As Boolean Returns/sets bold font styles.
Property FontItalic As Boolean Returns/sets italic font styles.
Property FontName As String Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level.
Property FontSize As Single Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level.
Property FontStrikeThru As Boolean Returns/sets strikethrough font styles.
Property FontUnderLine As Boolean Returns/sets underline font styles.
Property FromPage As Integer Returns/sets the value for the first page to be printed.
Property HelpCommand As Integer Returns/sets the type of online Help requested.
Property HelpContext As Long Returns/sets the context ID of the requested Help topic.
Property HelpFile As String Returns/sets the name of the Help file associated with the project.
Property HelpKey As String Returns/sets the keyword that identifies the requested Help topic.
Property InitDir As String Returns/sets the initial file directory.
Property Max As Integer Returns/sets the maximum font size (Font dialog) or print range (Print dialog).
Property MaxFileSize As Integer Returns/sets the maximum size of the filename opened using the CommonDialog control.
Property Min As Integer Sets the smallest allowable font size (Font dialog) or print range (Print dialog).
Property Orientation As PrinterOrientationConstants Returns/sets printer paper orientation
Property PrinterDefault As Boolean Determines if user selections in the Print dialog box are used to change the default printer settings.
Property ToPage As Integer Returns/sets the value for the first page to be printed.
Sub AboutBox (undocumented)
Sub ShowColor Displays the CommonDialog control's Color dialog box.
Sub ShowFont Displays the CommonDialog control's Font dialog box
Sub ShowHelp Runs Winhelp.EXE and displays the Help file you specify.
Sub ShowOpen Displays the CommonDialog control's Open dialog box.
Sub ShowPrinter Displays the CommonDialog control's Printer dialog box.
Sub ShowSave Displays the CommonDialog control's Save As dialog box.


ErrorConstants Description
Const cdlAlloc = 32752 (∓H7FF0) Couldn't allocate memory for FileName or Filter.
Const cdlBufferTooSmall = 20476 (∓H4FFC) The buffer at which the member LpstrFile points is too small.
Const cdlCancel = 32755 (∓H7FF3) Cancel was selected.
Const cdlCreateICFailure = 28661 (∓H6FF5) The PrintDlg function failed when creating an information context.
Const cdlDialogFailure = -32768 (∓HFFFF8000) Failed to show the common dialog.
Const cdlDndmMismatch = 28662 (∓H6FF6) DevMode and DevNames data structures describe two different printers.
Const cdlFindResFailure = 32761 (∓H7FF9) The function failed to load a specified resource.
Const cdlGetDevModeFail = 28666 (∓H6FFA) The printer-device driver failed to initialize a DEVMODE data structure.
Const cdlGetNotSupported = 394 (∓H18A) Property is write-only
Const cdlHelp = 32751 (∓H7FEF) Call to Windows Help failed.
Const cdlInitFailure = 28665 (∓H6FF9) The PrintDlg function failed during initialization.
Const cdlInitialization = 32765 (∓H7FFD) The function failed during initialization.
Const cdlInvalidFileName = 20477 (∓H4FFD) File name is invalid.
Const cdlInvalidPropertyValue = 380 (∓H17C) Invalid property value
Const cdlInvalidSafeModeProcCall = 680 (∓H2A8) Invalid procedure call in safe mode
Const cdlLoadDrvFailure = 28667 (∓H6FFB) The PrintDlg function failed to load the specified printer's device driver.
Const cdlLoadResFailure = 32760 (∓H7FF8) The function failed to load a specified resource.
Const cdlLoadStrFailure = 32762 (∓H7FFA) The function failed to load a specified string.
Const cdlLockResFailure = 32759 (∓H7FF7) The function failed to lock a specified resource.
Const cdlMemAllocFailure = 32758 (∓H7FF6) The function was unable to allocate memory for internal data structures.
Const cdlMemLockFailure = 32757 (∓H7FF5) The function was unable to lock the memory associated with a handle.
Const cdlNoDefaultPrn = 28663 (∓H6FF7) A default printer does not exist.
Const cdlNoDevices = 28664 (∓H6FF8) No printer device-drivers were found.
Const cdlNoFonts = 24574 (∓H5FFE) No fonts exist.
Const cdlNoInstance = 32763 (∓H7FFB) Application did not provide an instance handle.
Const cdlNoTemplate = 32764 (∓H7FFC) No template provided by the application.
Const cdlParseFailure = 28669 (∓H6FFD) The Common Dialog function failed to parse the strings in WIN.INI.
Const cdlPrinterCodes = 28671 (∓H6FFF) The printer device driver failed to initialize a DevMode data structure. (undocumented)
Const cdlPrinterNotFound = 28660 (∓H6FF4) The [devices] section of WIN.INI does not contain an entry for the printer.
Const cdlRetDefFailure = 28668 (∓H6FFC) The PDReturnDefault flag was set, but a field was nonzero.
Const cdlSetNotSupported = 383 (∓H17F) Property is read-only
Const cdlSetupFailure = 28670 (∓H6FFE) Setup failed (undocumented)
Const cdlSubclassFailure = 20478 (∓H4FFE) An attempt to subclass a listbox failed due to insufficient memory.


FileOpenConstants Description
Const cdlOFNAllowMultiselect = 512 (∓H200) Allows the File Name list box to have multiple selections.
Const cdlOFNCreatePrompt = 8192 (∓H2000) Asks if the user wants to create a file that does not currently exist.
Const cdlOFNExplorer = 524288 (∓H80000) Windows 95 Open A File dialog box template.
Const cdlOFNExtensionDifferent = 1024 (∓H400) Extension of returned file name is different from the one set by DefaultExt.
Const cdlOFNFileMustExist = 4096 (∓H1000) User can enter only names of existing files.
Const cdlOFNHelpButton = 16 (∓H10) Causes the dialog box to display the Help button.
Const cdlOFNHideReadOnly = 4 Hides the Read Only check box.
Const cdlOFNLongNames = 2097152 (∓H200000) Long filenames.
Const cdlOFNNoChangeDir = 8 Sets the current directory to what it was when the dialog box was invoked.
Const cdlOFNNoDereferenceLinks = 1048576 (∓H100000) No shortcuts.
Const cdlOFNNoLongNames = 262144 (∓H40000) No long filenames.
Const cdlOFNNoReadOnlyReturn = 32768 (∓H8000) The returned file will not have the Read Only attribute set.
Const cdlOFNNoValidate = 256 (∓H100) Allows invalid characters in the returned file name.
Const cdlOFNOverwritePrompt = 2 Generates a message box if the selected file already exists.
Const cdlOFNPathMustExist = 2048 (∓H800) User can enter only valid path names.
Const cdlOFNReadOnly = 1 Checks Read Only check box for Open and Save As dialog boxes.
Const cdlOFNShareAware = 16384 (∓H4000) Sharing violation errors will be ignored.


FontsConstants Description
Const cdlCFANSIOnly = 1024 (∓H400) Dialog box allows only fonts that use the Windows character set.
Const cdlCFApply = 512 (∓H200) Dialog box enables the Apply button.
Const cdlCFBoth = 3 Dialog box lists available screen and printer fonts.
Const cdlCFEffects = 256 (∓H100) Dialog enables strikeout, underline, and color effects.
Const cdlCFFixedPitchOnly = 16384 (∓H4000) Dialog box should select only fixed-pitch fonts.
Const cdlCFForceFontExist = 65536 (∓H10000) Displays an error if a user selects a font or style that doesn't exist.
Const cdlCFHelpButton = 4 Dialog box displays a Help button.
Const cdlCFLimitSize = 8192 (∓H2000) Selects font sizes within the range specified by Min and Max properties.
Const cdlCFNoFaceSel = 524288 (∓H80000) No font name selected.
Const cdlCFNoSimulations = 4096 (∓H1000) Dialog box should not allow graphic device interface (GDI) font simulations.
Const cdlCFNoSizeSel = 2097152 (∓H200000) No font size selected.
Const cdlCFNoStyleSel = 1048576 (∓H100000) No font style selected.
Const cdlCFNoVectorFonts = 2048 (∓H800) Dialog box should not allow vector-font selections.
Const cdlCFPrinterFonts = 2 Dialog box lists only fonts supported by the printer.
Const cdlCFScalableOnly = 131072 (∓H20000) Dialog box should allow only the selection of scaleable fonts.
Const cdlCFScreenFonts = 1 Dialog box lists only screen fonts supported by the system.
Const cdlCFTTOnly = 262144 (∓H40000) Dialog box should allow only the selection of True Type fonts.
Const cdlCFWYSIWYG = 32768 (∓H8000) Allows only the selection of fonts available to both the screen and printer.


HelpConstants Description
Const cdlHelpCommandHelp = 258 (∓H102) Displays Help for a particular command.
Const cdlHelpContents = 3 Displays the contents topic in the current Help file.
Const cdlHelpContext = 1 Displays Help for a particular topic.
Const cdlHelpContextPopup = 8 Displays a topic identified by a context number.
Const cdlHelpForceFile = 9 Creates a Help file that displays text in only one font.
Const cdlHelpHelpOnHelp = 4 Display Help for using the Help application itself.
Const cdlHelpIndex = 3 Displays the index of the specified Help file.
Const cdlHelpKey = 257 (∓H101) Displays Help for a particular keyword.
Const cdlHelpPartialKey = 261 (∓H105) Call the search engine in Windows Help.
Const cdlHelpQuit = 2 Notifies the Help application that the specified Help file is no longer in use.
Const cdlHelpSetContents = 5 Designates a specific topic as the contents topic.
Const cdlHelpSetIndex = 5 Set the current Index for multi-index Help.


ICommonDialog11 Description
Property _Action As Integer (undocumented)
Property Action As Integer Returns/sets the type of dialog box to be displayed.
Property CancelError As Boolean Indicates whether an error is generated when the user chooses the Cancel button.
Property Color As Long Returns/sets the selected color.
Property Copies As Integer Returns/sets a value that determines the number of copies to be printed.
Property DefaultExt As String Returns/sets the default filename extension for the dialog box.
Property DialogTitle As String Sets the string displayed in the title bar of the dialog box.
Property FileName As String Returns/sets the path and filename of a selected file.
Property Filter As String Returns/sets the filters that are displayed in the Type list box of a dialog box.
Property FilterIndex As Integer Returns/sets a default filter for an Open or Save As dialog box.
Property Flags As Long Sets the options for a dialog box.
Property FontBold As Boolean Returns/sets bold font styles.
Property FontItalic As Boolean Returns/sets italic font styles.
Property FontName As String Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level.
Property FontSize As Single Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level.
Property FontStrikeThru As Boolean Returns/sets strikethrough font styles.
Property FontUnderLine As Boolean Returns/sets underline font styles.
Property FromPage As Integer Returns/sets the value for the first page to be printed.
Property HelpCommand As Integer Returns/sets the type of online Help requested.
Property HelpContext As Long Returns/sets the context ID of the requested Help topic.
Property HelpFile As String Returns/sets the name of the Help file associated with the project.
Property HelpKey As String Returns/sets the keyword that identifies the requested Help topic.
Property InitDir As String Returns/sets the initial file directory.
Property Max As Integer Returns/sets the maximum font size (Font dialog) or print range (Print dialog).
Property MaxFileSize As Integer Returns/sets the maximum size of the filename opened using the CommonDialog control.
Property Min As Integer Sets the smallest allowable font size (Font dialog) or print range (Print dialog).
Property Orientation As PrinterOrientationConstants Returns/sets printer paper orientation
Property PrinterDefault As Boolean Determines if user selections in the Print dialog box are used to change the default printer settings.
Property ToPage As Integer Returns/sets the value for the first page to be printed.
Sub AboutBox (undocumented)
Sub ShowColor Displays the CommonDialog control's Color dialog box.
Sub ShowFont Displays the CommonDialog control's Font dialog box
Sub ShowHelp Runs Winhelp.EXE and displays the Help file you specify.
Sub ShowOpen Displays the CommonDialog control's Open dialog box.
Sub ShowPrinter Displays the CommonDialog control's Printer dialog box.
Sub ShowSave Displays the CommonDialog control's Save As dialog box.


PrinterConstants Description
Const cdlPDAllPages = 0 Sets or returns state of All Pages option button.
Const cdlPDCollate = 16 (∓H10) Sets or returns state of Collate check box.
Const cdlPDDisablePrintToFile = 524288 (∓H80000) Disables the Print to File check box.
Const cdlPDHelpButton = 2048 (∓H800) Dialog box displays the Help button.
Const cdlPDHidePrintToFile = 1048576 (∓H100000) The Print to File check box is not displayed.
Const cdlPDNoPageNums = 8 Sets or returns the state of the Pages option button
Const cdlPDNoSelection = 4 Disables the Selection option button.
Const cdlPDNoWarning = 128 (∓H80) Prevents a warning message when there is no default printer.
Const cdlPDPageNums = 2 Sets or returns the state of the Pages option button.
Const cdlPDPrintSetup = 64 (∓H40) Displays the Print Setup dialog box rather than the Print dialog box.
Const cdlPDPrintToFile = 32 (∓H20) Sets or returns the state of the Print to File check box.
Const cdlPDReturnDC = 256 (∓H100) Returns a device context for the printer selection.
Const cdlPDReturnDefault = 1024 (∓H400) Returns default printer name.
Const cdlPDReturnIC = 512 (∓H200) Returns an information context for the printer selection.
Const cdlPDSelection = 1 Sets or returns the state of the Selection option button.
Const cdlPDUseDevModeCopies = 262144 (∓H40000) Sets support for multiple copies.


PrinterOrientationConstants Description
Const cdlLandscape = 2 Landscape printer paper orientation
Const cdlPortrait = 1 Portrait printer paper orientation
